Friday, May 10, 2013

Lee Soon-Shin victim of bullying? (Spoiler)

As we can see from the picture, it seems that our Lee Soon Shin (IU) is in trouble.
Cause envy of all those who are against (in the fantastic DRAMA "You are the best! Lee Soon Shin"), our beautiful protagonist will be hit also in the workplace.
There is no more peace in her life.
I also like you have not seen the episode yet, so I'm very curious to see why it has come to this point.

The staff comments: “During the filming that lasted until the early morning, the passion of the cast who keep their fighting spirit while acting and the staff’s effort were amazing. Please look forward to Soon Shin’s growing pains, which begin on this week’s "You’re the Best Lee Soon Shin".

Strength and courage Lee Soon-Shin, we are all with you. \( ‾︻‾ )/
All tuned every Saturday and Sunday at 7:55 PM KST!

"You are the best! Lee Soon Shin"...we love you!!
✹◟(ᶮ ̮ ᶯ)◞✹

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